How to Create and Use Email Templates

Guide on How to Create and Use Email Templates on ClosersHQ Email Campaigns

A Template is an email copy or an email sequence blueprint that can be created, saved, and used when needed. The major function of a template is reusability. This guide will go over how to create and use templates. Templates can be divided into Flow Templates and Email Templates.

a) How to Create Flow & Email Templates

To create an email template, head over to 'Campaigns', then click 'Templates':

Here, you can choose to create a 'Flow' or 'Email' Template. Select one, then click 'Create New Template' as shown below:

A Flow Template consists of different email steps separated by delays and conditionals if necessary. It is a combination, in a logical sequence, of the initial email and subsequent follow-up emails that can be used to create a campaign.

To create a Flow Template, enter the template's name and description, create your email sequence, then save and exit. A typical flow template will look like this:

The process of creating an Email Template is similar. A typical email template will look like this:

b) How to use Flow & Email Templates in Campaigns

i) How to Use Flow Templates:

You can use flow templates when creating new campaigns. To use a flow template, head to Campaigns and click 'Create new campaign'.

Enter the campaign name, select a mailing list, and click next.

On the next page, you can see all flow templates in your account, and you can preview and use them:

Click to preview the flow you want to use, then click 'Use template' as seen below:

You can then edit the template to meet the needs of your current campaign and then launch.

ii) How to Use Email Templates:

Email templates can be imported at the email step level when creating campaigns:

To use an email template, get into an email step, then click the email template importation icon, as shown below:

In the opened window, you will see all previously saved email templates. Select the appropriate one to use by clicking on 'import':

Once you click 'import', you can preview the email copy and click 'Import template' if it's the copy you need:

The template will now be available in your email copy, where you can edit and launch your campaign:

If you experience any troubles, don't hesitate to contact us on chat support or email us at

Last updated